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This reference page contains working examples of most of the types of animations you can create with Svija.To use it, you'll need to visit this page on your computer — you'll see that it's quite different!Open this page ( in Adobe Illustrator and look at the blue layers in the Layers panel to see how each example is constructed. The power to create life. You can find more answers at ;stop-color:color(display-p3 0.318 0.569 0.816); ;stop-color:color(display-p3 0.388 0.714 0.918); ;stop-color:color(display-p3 0.318 0.569 0.816); ;stop-color:color(display-p3 0.388 0.714 0.918); ;stop-color:color(display-p3 0.318 0.569 0.816); ;stop-color:color(display-p3 0.388 0.714 0.918); This is a module open to change it This is a module open to change it Nos produits salés Contact Nos pains Accueil Nos produits sucrés Nos magasins
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